
30 June: good early season performance, patchy, needs to spread, not uniform.

15 July: poor coverage, compact, sparse, maybe better in a container, not filling in well, not uniform, needs flowers, upright, small plants, good color.

30 July: very tidy, lovely foliage, compact, good for containers, nice uniform color, good spread, very healthy looking, vivid color, good flower foliage balance- adds depth.

15 Aug: doing great, floriferous, healthy but not a fan of the color, vivid flowers.

30 Aug: looking its best, very healthy, much nicer than Oro's lantanas, great flowers and foliage, cheerful, great flowers, older flowers look faded, great.

15 Sept: exceptionally nice, good late season performance, great coverage, great scent, many flowers, very nice still, flowers fade.